Conwy Valley and North Wales Coast Community Rail Partnership, in collaboration with Flintshire County Council’s Croes Atti Day Centre and Transport for Wales, is proud to unveil the Memories of Flint exhibition in the waiting room at Flint railway station.
The exhibition was officially opened at Flint railway station by the Mayor of Flint Town Council, Melly Buckley, who commended the project for its role in unlocking the creativity of its participants. The launch was further enriched by the presence of British Olympic champion Jade Jones, who had previously visited the project participants to inspire artwork based on her remarkable Olympic journey.

The beautiful artwork has been created by attendees of the Croes Atti Day Centre who, over 12 weeks, participated in weekly art sessions led by local artist Sharon Wagstaff. Designed as an engaging outlet for individuals living with dementia, the project utilised art to evoke cherished memories, encourage social interaction and spark creativity.
Participants, aged between 59 and 97, created stunning paintings and drawings of Flint’s historic landmarks, helping them reconnected with their personal histories. These pieces of art are now being shared with the community in a creative display at Flint railway station waiting room.
Melanie Lawton, Community Rail Strategic Lead for Transport for Wales, said:
“Flint station is at the heart of the community and is currently undergoing transformation with Access for All, a new community facility, a community garden and the addition of artwork into the waiting room that connects the railway to the community. It’s wonderful to see a celebration of our vibrant history, heritage and culture. Congratulations to the participants who have really brought the station to life with their artwork”.
Karen Williams, Community Rail Officer for the Conwy Valley and North Wales Coast Community Rail Partnership said:
“It has been an honour to work with Sarah and her team at Croes Atti day centre. The weekly sessions provided participants with regular activities and an opportunity to engage with others. It’s been emotional watching their skills improve week by week. Flint station waiting room is now alive with memories and colourful artwork which will leave a legacy. A huge thank you to Flintshire County Council and artist Sharon Wagstaff for supporting this fabulous community project”.
Sarah Dilworth, Senior Care for Croes Atti Day Centre Flintshire County Council, said:
“It was lovely to be part of this art project to see the way the art week by week brought not only joy but stimulation to the service users minds, it brought back memories of Flint in such a way the services users was able to have the freedom to create and express themselves without using words. I am so proud of all the service users it was privilege to share this fantastic project with them, we look forward to working with Karen and TFW again in the future.”
Melly Buckley, Flint Town Mayor, said:
“It was an honour and delight to be asked along to the unveiling of the art project at Flint train station, in collaboration with TFW and Croes Atti Day centre. The artwork adorns the wall of the waiting area for all to see and memorialises such an important project that the service users put their all into with some pretty amazing results.
“Community cohesion events such as this is very important and welcomed in our town of Flint. Diolch to all those involved in the project, and I hope it brings a smile to many faces of the many travellers for the many years to come.”

Jade Jones OBE, said:
“It was an honour and privilege to be part of the art project. It was lovely and heartwarming to see the service users and was lovely to meet the staff that worked so hard to achieve it. I am proud to be off Flint.”
Vanessa Roberts, Registered manager of Regulated services & Resources Flintshire County Council, said:
“We are proud to have been part of this fantastic project and to see the end results with the artists has been amazing, we look forward to working with Karen and Transport for Wales in the future.”
The project has had a profound impact, improving fine motor skills, concentration, and speech among participants. Many rediscovered dormant abilities, finding joy in the creative process while forming meaningful connections with others.
Participants’ original artworks are now displayed in the ‘Off Flint’ community archive at Flint Library.